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6 ways to deal with imposter syndrome

6 ways to deal with imposter syndrome

Sometimes it seems like everyone else has it all figured out, and here we are, struggling to understand the basics. You know what the funny thing is? Most of these other people feel the same way. This frustrating undercurrent of self-doubt is our old pal imposter...
How I cope with chronic pain

How I cope with chronic pain

As a Sanvello Coach, I regularly support people coping with chronic pain, but I’ve also been living with it for more than a decade. If you’re someone who deals with ongoing pain, you know how hard it can be and how it can impact the way you function from day to day....
Why I meditate…even when I don’t want to

Why I meditate…even when I don’t want to

I am not a morning person. Finding a moment of mindfulness by rolling out of bed and onto my meditation cushion won’t work for me… I’ll just fall asleep on the cushion.  I’m also great at coming up with reasons not to meditate. For example, on my recent 15 minute...
Fear of failure? Try these tips from a Sanvello coach

Fear of failure? Try these tips from a Sanvello coach

As adults, we want to be great at new things, even from the start. Say, for example, that you decide to pick up a guitar and learn how to play. Chances are, you’re going to sound pretty terrible at first. It can be both humbling and humiliating to struggle through the...
How to quiet your inner critic

How to quiet your inner critic

  You know the voice. That one in your head that throws little doubts in your path. You’re no good at this. Why even try? Just give up. That little voice questioning our value is our inner critic.     But what is our inner critic?  First, let’s talk...