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Your checklist to choosing the right anxiety app

Your checklist to choosing the right anxiety app

 Got anxiety? You’re not alone. About 40 million others: Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.The good news is anxiety disorders are highly treatable, and many may find relief from digital health tools.The bad news? Looking for the right app...
#StoptheStigma: 3 simple actions we can all take

#StoptheStigma: 3 simple actions we can all take

  Mental health issues have always had a stigma in healthcare, but this seems to be declining in younger patients. Millennials are more comfortable with talking about it and seeking help for mental health issues. Eighty-five percent of Millennials said they would not...
4 ways to thrive during your freshman year

4 ways to thrive during your freshman year

 Back to school: Pursuing dreams, learning new things, and…leaving the only support system you’ve ever known!?For many of those around age 18, back to school this year means packing up and heading to college and living away from home for the first time. This...